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Business Speakers

Whether you're organising an international conference, corporate team building day or glitzy annual dinner, we can offer you a portfolio second-to-none of after dinner speakers, keynote speakers and motivational speakers that will deliver thought-provoking, inspiring, challenging and entertaining presentations, time-after-time.

Great After Dinner Speakers and orators will be able to change the emotions of the audience, bringing them into their own world and engaging with them in a way that makes the audience feel a part of their journey. Generally after dinner speakers are booked to provide light-hearted and anecdotal relief after a dinner and come from many spheres in life from sports personalities, former businessmen, politicians and lawyers to comedians, stars of the big and small screen, or those in the arts and music.

Keynote Speakers offer a unique perspective, energy and gravitas to a conference or business forum in a way that internal speakers cannot. Business speakers have a natural ability to display the skills and effectiveness that can help to engage and move a corporate audience to challenge the status-quo or their own work practices, resulting in a more agile and communicative culture, with improved customer service, teamwork and successful innovation.

Motivational Speakers  possess an ability to simultaneously inspire, inform and motivate audiences to excel beyond their current performance limits, turning potential into profit, or a dream into reality. Olympic athletes, mountaineers and other adventurers spend their lives dedicated to achieveing their ultimate goals and will be relentless in that persuit; whilst former hostages, victims of accidents or tragedy and those that have overcome adversity in their lives can provide the most heart-moving and uplifting inspirational tales.

In addition to the suggestions featured here, there are many others names that, for various reasons, we cannot profile online. So if you're seeking a particular speaker and cannot find them, please discuss your requirements with one of our highly experienced team.


Gregory V. Redlitz PLC
9654 Heather Rd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

For further information please contact:

Sherwin Ross - 213/884-8448; sherwin@robertthorne.com

After Dinner Speakers | Keynote Speakers | Motivational Speakers | Business Speakers

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Marlen Esparza, wendy williams, snooki, nicole polizzi, ace ross , sherwin ross, robert thonre , greg redlitz, taylor armstrong, melissa mccarthy, omnipeace


Marlen Esparza, wendy williams, snooki, nicole polizzi, ace ross , sherwin ross, robert thonre , greg redlitz, taylor armstrong, melissa mccarthy,